No matter how you grew up, or who raised you, God our perfect Father has made a way for you to be in His family. Only through knowing and trusting Jesus can we be adopted into the kingdom of God as a member of God’s family, which you and I were always designed to be a part of.
If you are anxious or worried or cannot seem to find your purpose in life, it may be because you have not understood by whom we were made and what we were made for. God our Father has made us and loved us more than we can imagine. He as our loving Father has made a way for our sin to be paid for and us to be back in His family where we belong.
Further Study/Verses to know:
John 1:12-13
Galatians 3:26-27 & 4:4-7
John 14:23
Romans 5:5
What attributes of your earthly father have you projected on to God your Father?
What do you think you were created for? Why?
What does it mean to be a son/daughter of God?
What stops us from getting in/staying in the kingdom of God?